Jonathon Casselberry-Scott
Caretaker for Environmental Wellness, GilChrist
Meet Jonathon
My specialty within our GilChrist crew is tending to mechanical, landscaping, and maintenance details. In addition to a bit of housekeeping and guest services, I get to fix all of the things that need mending and help make our grounds look their best.
“Work,” to me, means efficiently and effectively contributing to the greater task that keeps us healthy, happy, and functionally sound. One of my favorite projects is our deer-proof, living willow fence, which I researched and designed, including cutting sod, excavating, and planting more than 800 tiny trees, a great beginning to a new cycle of growth for GilChrist. Once established, we will be able to coppice the yearly growth and plant more fences elsewhere. People usually tease me about working fast and hard and getting to the point. I don't stomp, but I definitely walk with a purpose, whether in sandals or mud boots.
After I completed my Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing I spent eight years working various seasonal jobs in and around the United States Antarctic Program. I’m a professionally developed jack of all trades with a blended background of mechanical and living systems, homesteading, waste management, and customer service. My current area of growth for learning and practice is permaculture, which recently entailed taking a two-week design course.
Catch Water
Plant Forests
Save Seeds