The Grapes of Wrath Reading Guide

Explore the themes of technological change, the necessity of connection, and resilience and creativity in this guide to John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. Part of the We the People Book Club, a year-long program contemplating America’s past and possibilities, this guide was created for individual and group use. Questions within each theme facilitate (1) your interpretation of the text, (2) your personal reflections inspired by your reading, and (3) practices for you to try that animate the novel’s democratic values. Thanks to Julia Davis, Practicing Democracy Fellow, for writing these guides and coordinating the We the People Book Club program.

We the People Book Club Guides
Supporting 12 months of reading and ways to practice your civic virtues. Use the reading list and guides on your own, or in groups.

Spirituality & Practice (S&P) is a multi-faith website devoted to resources for spiritual journeys. While respecting differences among traditions, S&P celebrates what they share in common.