Re-Creating a Life: Telling Our Most Life-Giving Story
Seasons Retreat Center at the Fetzer Institute

- Transformations Spirituality Center
- Special Event
- Religion and Spirituality
- Southwest Michigan
In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.
--Dante, Divine Comedy
Dante penned this in the 12th Century and it remains part of the human condition today.
At some point, in the middle of almost every life, there comes a time when all that once seemed straightforward becomes obscured. In this disquieting time we sense a disparity between what we thought our lives were going to be and what they actually are. In her new book, RE-CREATING A LIFE: Learning How to Tell Our Most Life-Giving Story, author Dr. Diane Millis offers a set of questions and strategies for telling new stories about our lives that more closely reflect not only who we are, but our possibilities.
Millis shows us how we can discover a more promising story of our lives through reflection, writing, and conversation with others. She emphasizes that it takes a community to learn how to tell our most life-giving story. We need at least one or more conversation partners who can help us to realize new and richer aspects of our stories and ourselves.
Our spiritual and societal well-being stems from the stories we share. In an age where more and more people are seeking greater belonging, meaning, purpose, and unity, RE-CREATING A LIFE is like an illuminated path marker gently guiding us to latent possibility.
Registration is $100 when received by January 6, $140 thereafter, and includes Diane Millis' book, Re-Creating a Life: Learning How to Tell Our Most Life-Giving Story.
A limited number of guest rooms are available at the lovely Seasons retreat center at the Fetzer Institute for $125, on a first-come, first-served basis. Please let us know if you have physical limitations, as some rooms require the use of stairs. The registration process is in 2 parts: Select the Event Admission price, then select an Event Session for overnight accommodations, if desired.
Registration closes January 17, 2020.

Transformations Spirituality Center, a sponsored ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph, offers spiritual programming for guests from any faith tradition, and seekers without a specific tradition. Programs vary to meet people’s needs, and all are intended to support participants in becoming more grounded in the Spirit. Our retreats and day programs use the arts, literature, contemplative practice, and other modalities as paths for growing more authentic.