Practice: Just Like Me

Practice democracy with this exercise designed to focus on our commonality, our unity, which is foundational to finding ways to reach across real and imagined divides.
Use the phrase "just like me" to signify your unity with others. Whenever you find yourself making an assessment of another person, whether you are saying something critical or something complimentary, right after you think or say it, add the statement "just like me." For example, "My partner is so stubborn, just like me." "My friend is so generous with her time, just like me." "She holds too many grudges, just like me." "He is so creative, just like me."
As you include yourself in these judgements and evaluations, notice what comes up for you. When you include yourself in a compliment or criticism, how do you feel? How does this practice impact thoughts about yourself? Others?
In partnership with our friends at Spirituality & Practice, we are sharing practices to help us all “practice democracy” from the inside out. Visit Spirituality & Practice's The Practicing Democracy Project for more practices and a wide array of resources.