Misjudging Muslims?

“Far from the news headlines and in some of the most terror-afflicted places on earth, we can encounter great goodness that is just a part of daily life on the grassroots level,” notes Dr. William F. Vendley, our senior advisor for world religions and former secretary general of Religions for Peace. “Terror in the name of Islam is evil, but the ordinary Muslims who stand up to it are today’s unsung heroes. Believers in different religions are increasingly drawing strength from each others' good examples and standing together for our common good.”
In this Emir-Stein Center video, Dr. Vendley responds to the provocative question, “Why Don’t Muslims Condemn Terrorism?” with powerful and poignant stories of courage and kindness—stories that he says are often drowned out by terrorist acts and almost never covered in the news. We invite you to watch and, perhaps, experience how, Dr. Vendley believes, “good stories have a direct route to the heart.”