Five Decades of Chronicling Spirituality in Everyday Life

For "tracking down the sacred in the nooks and crannies of our popular culture," (as philosopher Sam Keen notes), we extend our congratulations to Mary Ann and Frederic Brussat on the 50th anniversary of their marriage and their work together!
I have been so inspired by the lives and work of Frederic and Mary Ann, whom I have come to know through my work as a program officer at Fetzer. They have been faithful chroniclers of the spirituality alive in our everyday lives, generously offering their insight through a rich and remarkable website, Spirituality & Practice and extending that work intergenerationally through their fellows program. In acknowledging this 50-year celebration, the team at S&P is sharing five posts that tell their story through the truly remarkable work they have done over the years. Visit this page on their website for the story of the life work of these two extraordinary human beings. Spending time with Mary Ann and Frederic is a delight, and I have learned so much from their expansive and ever-growing understanding of spirituality. They show us what it truly means to live spirituality grounded in everyday life and to find the sacred woven through all aspects of living.
A five-decade commitment to anything is a rare occurrence, let alone 50 years of both a beautiful marriage and a prolific, inspirational body of work. I feel fortunate to know the Brussats, and to have the opportunity to collaborate with Spirituality & Practice. Here's to 50 great years and many more to follow! Bravo, mazel tov, best wishes, and many blessings to you both.
Michelle Scheidt is a program officer at the Fetzer Institute

Spirituality & Practice (S&P) is a multi-faith website devoted to resources for spiritual journeys. While respecting differences among traditions, S&P celebrates what they share in common.