10 Affirmations on Love
All love.
Drawing heavily on the wisdom of the world’s faith traditions, the Fetzer Institute Board of Trustees developed these affirmations to guide its work in helping to build the spiritual foundation for a loving world.
Love is at the heart of the Sacred Mystery we call Spirit.
Love is relational. It leads us to embrace our relatedness to Sacred Mystery and the Cosmos, which encompasses the Earth and the community of life it supports, including all persons and society.
Love is generous. It endlessly gives itself away, dynamically and creatively embracing all.
Love desires communion with the beloved and the flourishing of the beloved.
Love, present at our beginning, accompanies us each step on our life’s journey and is our true destination.
Love invites, animates, and empowers human love, the highest expression of our freedom. Human love cannot be coerced. Love calls and helps us to labor freely to unfold our full human potential for shared flourishing.
Love calls forth and deepens our commitment to truth. Moreover, there is “heart-knowing” that complements other valuable modes of knowing.
Love animates justice. It calls us to give freely and gladly what is due to the whole community of life, including other persons and society. Love summons us, despite danger and discomfort, to labor shoulder-to-shoulder with those denied justice. It asks us to transform our hearts and unjust social structures and to unmask and resist all forms of scapegoating and oppression.
Love heals. It empowers us to open ourselves to healing, help others mend, re-knit torn societies, and transform and heal cultural memories. Love can give us the personal and collective courage for deepening honesty, repentance, restitution, forgiveness, reconciliation, and joyous community.
Love calls us to radically re-imagine our lives, societies, and ways of dwelling on Earth. It calls us all to solidarity in Love, rooted in our plural experiences of Sacred Mystery, for the shared flourishing of the community of being.